Support Us <Inspire with a video, quotation, image or story to convince visitors to take the next step> Reiterate the importance of your mission. Explain why your supporters are so important to achieving your goals: to encourage new supporters and so it is clear how much their contribution will be appreciated. How to support us Give a brief description and call to action for each activity or sub-activity; this may be a link to the specific secion on your site. Depending on your charity and website structure, these summaries of the ways to support may be more or less specific. Include inspiring images. Ways to support may include, for example: Donate / fundraise Leave a legacy Volunteer Campaign Corporate / company: Partner with us / Sponsor something/someone / Get your colleagues involved Membership: Join us / Benefits Shop for us etc Our supporters Case studies / stories: if more than one, vary the range of backgrounds / activities to appeal to a broader audience. Spread the word! Get your friends together and (for example): Fundraise together Volunteer together Download resources Manage Cookie Preferences