About Haadhir Congratulations to Haadhir who has recently completed the Pump’s Employability scheme and collected his brand new iPhone 6S. We offer a laptop, tablet or phone to 18-24-year-olds who successfully finish the skills exercises, makerspace training and 100-hour work experience placement with a local employer. Haadhir started the course back in March and was an active and enthusiastic member of the group and really gained in confidence as the course progressed. The Pump worked in conjunction with Business in the Community’s Ready for Work scheme to find a placement with Marks & Spencer where Haadhir worked in both in the warehouse and the shop floor, in the food and the clothing sections. The store manager was very impressed with Haadhir and provided detailed feedback that included; "Really great work ethic….. timekeeping was amazing! "Congratulations Haadhir and enjoy the new phone! Manage Cookie Preferences